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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Market Insider.

Have you ever asked yourself, "how's the market?" Well there's a great tool to answer just that, it's called Market Insider. With this tool you will be well informed by way of data and statistics as to where the market is. There is no need to waste time and energy filing through google and yahoo search databases, simply access market insider and the rest is clockwork. The data on the market insider page is consolidated from multiple sources and includes current listings, recent sales, zip code centric sold data, community information and school information that is dynamic based on parent feedback to lend to credibility. Whether you're a buyer or seller, the knowledge you gain will help put you in control of your real estate transactions

Market Insider Screen Shot.
Market Insider provides a wealth of information, this information is broken down into four categories. Market Analysis, Community Info, Local Schools, Compare Areas, Insider Tips. 

Market Analysis. Here trends are broken down, for example price trends. This is the relationship between sold and listed properties. Valuable monthly information such as the median listed and sold property prices are available here. You will find market inventory trends that show whether the market is saturated, and easily assess whether the inventory is shrinking or growing. You will also be able to better understand the health of the market, i.e is it standard or distressed? The relationship between ownership (owner occupied) and rental properties are also explored. This helps with possible investors looking to purchase and rent out the units or properties. Lastly additional statistics are provided to give you a more well rounded perspective of the market. Simply put the cherry on top.

Market Insider Data.
Community Info. Here you will be able to access information on household income within a specific area. This breaks down the community as to better assist you ascertain where you stand within the community or whether the customer base you wish to rent to can be found there. Education levels are also a useful too. Usually education and crime's relationship is one whereby more education generally means less crime however, the great thing about Market Insider is that you will receive specific information for that specific area. This way the correlation between the two is in front of you and there is no guess work needed. Weather information which is helpful not only in reference to lifestyle but useful when assessing  the insurance coverage for the potential property can also be found here. Lastly other miscellaneous tidbits are accessible such as shopping centers, restaurant information, recreational attractions etc.

Local Schools. Here you will have in-depth access to all school information for a specified area. The information provided includes the number of schools in a district, educational climate, technology Index, population in poverty, students and per student expenditure. 

Compare areas. Here you can find in-depth community characteristics, community, market and school summaries etc. This section allows you take all the area specific information that you have collected through market insider and compare them to better ascertain which area is more suited to your needs.

Insider Tips. Here you will find valuable information from people like you. These tips are not statistically based but are more opinionated. This is valuable information that you wouldn't usually have access to. This is great intangible information that is not easily understood by statistics. All of this information's not readily or easily accessible to the masses, especially broken down this way.

As you can see Market Insider is an excellent tool for all levels of market research. To access Market Insider contact either your preferred or a knowledgeable real estate agent or team and enquire about the service. Some agents, teams or groups will have information readily available on their website. An example of this would be The Mickey Pascarella Group, based out of Philadelphia. Through their website simply click the tab Market Insider and begin to navigate through wealths of information. When exploring Market Insider, after a few clicks you may be prompted to enter your email information. Understandably you may not be enthusiastic about this as you do not want to be inundated with spam email. However I strongly advise and suggest that you enter your information especially if you are genuinely interested in; keeping up with the market, selling your property or purchasing a property, not to mention all the information is free. The key to Market Insider is that all the information is relevant and any contact that my occur as a result of you submitting your email address will be informative and helpful to your specific cause.  

This makes it a great communication tool for you and your real estate agent. With market insider you will have a more Informed real estate agent, that will be more readily able to meet your needs and provide better services to you. You will also be able to reduce time spent and achieve your goals at a much better pace. All in all this is a great tool for any investor or potential investor, be it at a novice level or an expert real estate investor either way Market Insider is a great tool for you.

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